Adventure by day. Comfort at night.
The best outdoor experiences aren’t measured by how much gear you carry, but by the memories you make. Adirondack Hamlets to Huts connects trails to lodging in communities on routes across this 6-million-acre park. So whether you hike, bike, paddle, snowshoe or ski, you can explore the wild by day. And lay your head on a soft pillow at night.
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The behind-the-scenes work needed to bring the Adirondack Hamlets to Huts concept to life takes time – and money.
Your support will help us:
- Implement hamlet-to-hut routes
- Create a lodging affiliate network with the standards to ensure all our guests have a positive experience
- Continue outreach to state officials, lodging owners, landowners and others as we develop our route network
Your donation helps support:
- Operate our Trails Center year round in Downtown Saranac Lake
- Establish rustic lodging options, such as yurts and platform cabin tents, on private land
- Develop a one-stop online reservation system and interactive route planner
Our Vision - Trips for Everyone
Weekend trips. Week-long trips. Some all hiking. Some all paddling. Some in which you can do both-- paddle and hike, even paddle and bike. No matter how long your selected route or your mode of travel, there are no tents to carry, camp stoves to struggle with, or mosquitoes biting you in your sleep on an Adirondack Hamlets to Huts trek.
You will travel to and through charming and historic Adirondack communities as well as amazing wild landscapes that make the Adirondacks the special place that it is. Our routes celebrate both the settled and the sublime, the culture of the Adirondacks as much as its nature. Your lodging will run the gamut, from the simple, such as walled tents, yurts, cabins, and motels, to the grand, including bed-and-breakfasts, hotels, lodges, and inns.
Come to the Adirondacks and experience the Park with Adirondack Hamlets to Huts. Adventure by day. Comfort at night.

Your donation helps us establish new routes!
Support Adirondack Hamlets to Huts and assist us in advancing wellness, conservation and vibrant communities throughout the Adirondack Park.