Are you an owner of a quality hotel, motel, inn, bed and breakfast, ski resort, private campground or other place of lodging?
Would you like to increase occupancy and revenue?
Do you own land which you might be willing to donate, sell or develop?
As we develop our hamlet-to-hut routes, we’ll be looking for existing places of lodging to become part of our Lodging Affiliate Network.
Adirondack Hamlets to Huts is in the process of creating this lodging affiliate network and, in partnership with the affiliates, will strive to meet agreed-upon criteria established to ensure high-quality accommodations and services. The purposes of such an affiliate network will be to:
- Provide AHH trekkers access to accommodations along routes in the growing hamlets-to-huts network.
- Provide a consistent quality of service to AHH guests, ensuring a positive guest experience and guest satisfaction.
- Provide lodging owners with increased occupancy, as well as additional marketing, exposure, and, ultimately, more business and revenue.
- Diversify the range of lodging available to hamlets-to-huts trekkers.
We look forward to working with lodging owners in developing lodging affiliation criteria. They may include but not be limited to:
Access to and from trails and/or shuttle services
Cooking facilities and/or restaurant access
Equipment storage
Laundry facilities
Guest services
Reception-check in/out
- Drying room for wet equipment
- Exterior lighting
- Customer service
- Bathroom/shower facilities
- Clean accommodations
- Different types of room arrangements
- Cell phone/Internet access
- Number of available beds
What can you do as a lodging owner to get more involved in Adirondack Hamlets to Huts?
- Let your local government, tourism, and state officials know that you support and want to be part of the Adirondack Hamlets to Huts system.
- Take a minute to complete the contact information below.
If we don’t respond immediately, don’t despair! We are working diligently and it might be awhile before we develop routes in your area. Feel free to call us or stop by our Trails Center at 47 Main Street in Saranac Lake.
Our Vision - Trips for Everyone
Weekend trips. Week-long trips. Some all hiking. Some all paddling. Some in which you can do both-- paddle and hike, even paddle and bike. No matter how long your selected route or your mode of travel, there are no tents to carry, camp stoves to struggle with, or mosquitoes biting you in your sleep on an Adirondack Hamlets to Huts trek.
You will travel to and through charming and historic Adirondack communities as well as amazing wild landscapes that make the Adirondacks the special place that it is. Our routes celebrate both the settled and the sublime, the culture of the Adirondacks as much as its nature. Your lodging will run the gamut, from the simple, such as walled tents, yurts, cabins, and motels, to the grand, including bed-and-breakfasts, hotels, lodges, and inns.
Come to the Adirondacks and experience the Park with Adirondack Hamlets to Huts. Adventure by day. Comfort at night.

Your donation helps us establish new routes!
Support Adirondack Hamlets to Huts and assist us in advancing wellness, conservation and vibrant communities throughout the Adirondack Park.