Our Mission
Adirondack Hamlets to Huts is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that creates, manages and promotes an internationally-acclaimed hamlet-to-hut system that fosters vibrant communities by advancing economic development, conservation and wellness.
Our Vision
Something happens in the backcountry.
You breathe easier. Think clearer. Feel sharper.
We started Adirondack Hamlets to Huts because we don’t think you should need to own an expedition’s worth of gear – or be willing to sleep in a tent for days on end – to experience that freedom.
The hut-to-hut model is a time-tested favorite in Europe, New Zealand and other places, and it’s getting more popular in North America, too.
What’s different about Adirondack Hamlets to Huts is how we’ve conceived our network: Every route starts and ends in a community. You’ll hike, bike, paddle, snowshoe or ski through some of the most stunning, remote Adirondack landscapes imaginable by day. And when the day ends, you’ll come off the trail to eat a hot meal in a local restaurant or backcountry lodge and retire for the night to a warm bed before beginning another day’s exploration of the vast and wild Adirondacks.
The Adirondacks as a Park with people in communities living inside its borders represent an ongoing experiment involving the dynamic tensions between development, conservation and preservation and the fluid coexistence of the settled and the wild.
Adirondack Hamlets to Huts is committed to both.
We launched this concept believing that healthy economies are as critical to the Park as a healthy ecology. The towns, villages and hamlets of the Adirondacks, many of which depend on tourism to survive, benefit directly when travelers like you visit. And by making the backcountry accessible to a wider range of outdoor enthusiasts, we help bring new visitors to places that are often overlooked in favor of more well-traveled Adirondack destinations. So we spread the love. And the crowds.
How you can help? Soon, you’ll be able to book your own Adirondack Hamlets-to-Huts journey. Until then, though, your tax-deductible contribution will help us implement hut-to-hut routes by establishing relationships with inns, hotels and other lodging establishments, continuing our outreach to Adirondack communities, building an online reservation system and more. You can donate here.
In the meantime, we’ll see you on the trail.
Our Vision - Trips for Everyone
Weekend trips. Week-long trips. Some all hiking. Some all paddling. Some in which you can do both-- paddle and hike, even paddle and bike. No matter how long your selected route or your mode of travel, there are no tents to carry, camp stoves to struggle with, or mosquitoes biting you in your sleep on an Adirondack Hamlets to Huts trek.
You will travel to and through charming and historic Adirondack communities as well as amazing wild landscapes that make the Adirondacks the special place that it is. Our routes celebrate both the settled and the sublime, the culture of the Adirondacks as much as its nature. Your lodging will run the gamut, from the simple, such as walled tents, yurts, cabins, and motels, to the grand, including bed-and-breakfasts, hotels, lodges, and inns.
Come to the Adirondacks and experience the Park with Adirondack Hamlets to Huts. Adventure by day. Comfort at night.

Your donation helps us establish new routes!
Support Adirondack Hamlets to Huts and assist us in advancing wellness, conservation and vibrant communities throughout the Adirondack Park.